Free 5-day live series

Claim Your Inner Wealthy Woman

with Healer & Wealth Leader,

Rebecca Ann

When: Monday November 30th - Friday December 4th (times will be emailed)

Where: Online location + links will be emailed to you upon signing up!

For each person who signs up we're donating $10 to St. Patrick's Center, a non-profit that ends homelessness in St. Louis, MO AND you'll be entered to win a cash giveaway!


Goal: 250 sign ups and $2,500 donated. #ClaimYourWealthy

What is the #ClaimYourWealthy live series about?

From early on we're taught: WEALTH = MONEY = SUCCESS

That the more money you make, the more successful and safer you are. This teaches us to believe that money gives us safety, validation and worth.

This old programming is damaging and sucks us dry of our inspiration, soul gifts & purpose. Through my own rock bottoms with money, success, validation and wealth, I've found what truly set me free is:

RE-DEFINING the definitions of success and wealth to fit MY true soul desires. Through re-defining our principles around wealth and success, we claim our inner wealthy woman and set her free. #ClaimYourWealthy

I used to be obsessed with the million dollar business mark, until I realized, I'm already a multi-millionaire...

2 years ago when I started my spiritual coaching journey, I hired coaches and consumed all the courses I could. I quickly fell into the rabbit hole of the industry (and society) constantly telling me I should be making 5, 6 figure and of course hit the 7-figure million dollar amount in my business.

I quickly became obsessed with hitting the million dollar mark, becoming a millionaire and multi-millionaire. I wrote it down, had it hanging in my bathroom mirror, affirmed it everyday and did everything in my business to make money.

Thinking this is the way it was supposed to be, until I hit rock bottom. Nothing was working in my business because I was drained dry of inspiration. My need and drive for money cut off my unlimited connection to a higher power, love and inspiration. In return, I felt disconnected, rigid and emotionless.

Then, I had a pivotal shift when my husband and I went to go purchase our first house in the mountains. My banker sent me a personal Financial Statement to fill out with all my equity, bank accounts and investments etc.

After filling it all out and getting all the information, I saw a 8-figure net worth starring back at me. Holy shit. I already am a multi-millionaire.

In that moment I received what I had been affirming and calling in for over a year, thinking I should feel like I've made it and I would finally be free, but inside, I didn't feel any different.

I still felt in lack. I still felt scarce. I still worried about paying rent/mortgage, buying groceries and making investments in myself.

This is when I truly witnessed that money does not bring me the freedom, safety or happiness I had been told it did. From this space I began a journey to defining my own principles of wealth and success. Asking myself...what lights me up? What does my soul truly desire?! Where is my heart guiding me?

Now. I'm a wealthy woman on a mission to help other women re-define and claim their successful and wealthy lifestyles according to their principles.


You deserve to feel wealthy & successful!


Spilling the truth

We will start by un- packing the societal programming around money, wealth and success.

1. Thought:

money = freedom

Money does NOT give you freedom. You give yourself freedom. Stop giving your power away!

Step 1: Witnessing your attachment, validation or wounds

Witnessing your attachment, validation or wounding around the success, money and wealth.

Witnessing how a # in your bank account can make you feel more safe, or not. Why is this?

Witnessing our need to consume more and more, but it never feels enough. That feeling of "it's never enough" is a form of scarcity and lack that keeps you on the hamster wheel.

Step 2: Releasing the attachment & validation to wealth and money

I will share my personal story, guide you through journal prompts and a meditation to RELEASING these cords and attachments.

Decide with me:

I am wealthy now! I am successful now! There is no outwards goal I have to hit to feel this within. I get to decide it for myself right now. No amount of money will prove this.

Step 3: Defining what WEALTH & SUCCESS means to you

What does living a wealthy & successful life look like?

What would your everyday life look like?

Who are you surrounded by?

What does it feel like?

What are your daily thoughts?

NOTE: This will look different for everyone.

Step 4: Defining your connection to yourself & your higher power

Most of us want to feel connected to ourselves and higher power everyday. This connection is what feeds us and brings us daily inspiration and fills us with LOVE.

What helps you feel connected to yourself?

Step 5: Defining your sense of PURPOSE

At our core, most of us want to wake up everyday feeling a sense of purpose. We crave to feel purpose in our jobs and personal life.

What lights you up?

What makes you feel purposeful?

Step 6: Taking back your power & deciding you're WORTHY of it alll!

A lot of time I see that people give their power away to money and these big ideals of wealth and success. They think these titles hold power, when in truth they don't. They only have the power that YOU give to them.

As we decide together what YOUR wealthy lifestyle looks like, then we get to decide:


Step 7: Feeling safe in living your wealthy lifestyle

This is a big one. Many of us do money and wealth work and decide new values, but then we don't feel safe in the new and falter back to old ways.

- Exercises to practice feeling safe living your wealthy lifestyle.

Deciding: It's safe for me to have it all. It's safe for me to be wealthy and loved so deeply.

Rebecca Ann LLC mission:


For the Divine Feminine Leader who...

  • Is an overachiever always planning the next goal, while feeling stuck on the hamster wheel of achievement to achievement. Feeling tired, overwhelmed and stuck.
  • Feels confident in her soul gifts, but lacks feeling successful and wealthy in her business.
  • Has the money flowing, crushing her goals, but still feels lack, or like it's never enough. Always needing more, more and more, but it never seems enough.
  • Has taken all the "money courses" and mindset work around money, but something still doesn't feel right. Wondering...why don't I live in more abundant overflow? I've done the work!!
  • Is ready to begin creating new definitions that better fit your soul truth around success, wealth and how to use money for the good while feeling inspired, joyful and present!

Say it with me: I am a wealthy woman who makes an impact!